Outpatient Mental Health Clinics

1736 Family Crisis Center’s outpatient mental health clinics provide no- cost, accessible, quality mental health and complementary social services to populations with disproportionate barriers to accessing care and achieving well-being. Since its inception, clinic services have provided “whole-person” care, coordinating behavioral health, physical health, and social services for vulnerable patients, with a focus on minority families with children who are very low-income, those impacted by domestic violence and human trafficking, and those with linguistic and/or cultural barriers to care. Services are offered in individual, group, and family modalities and in both English and Spanish.
1736 FCC provides intensive counseling and supportive services to victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, children with emotional/behavioral issues, and other individuals in need. The program provides services up to six months in length (or as needed on case-by-case basis) and all is provided free of cost to the client. The counseling services are provided by mental health professionals and mental health professionals in training working under a licensed supervisor. The program also offers parenting classes and ongoing Domestic Violence Support groups for the community with free, onsite, childcare provided for their children. Groups run every Monday night from 6:30-8pm. At this time, counseling services are only provided in English. Potential clients interested in our services at the Torrance Center are asked to call our main office number and leave a message for a therapist, who will then call them back within two business days to assess need and provide other referrals if needed.
Torrance Community Service Center
21707 Hawthorne Blvd #300
Torrance, CA 90503
(310) 543-9910 ext. 310
9am – 5pm Monday through Friday
Arlington Community Service Center
2116 Arlington Avenue, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90018
(323) 737-3900 x 221
9am – 5pm Monday through Friday