Veteran Families Program

The Veteran Families Program is supported by a Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs along with corporate, private foundation and individual donations. To end the homelessness of very low-income veteran families, services often begin on the streets while staff assist with housing needs and offer other supportive services such as legal aid, connections to VA benefits, and linkages to employment and educational services.
SSVF focuses on providing homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing services to U.S. Veterans. Our program serves eligible veterans who are homeless or experiencing imminent risk of becoming homeless. The program is designed to promote the well-being of individuals who have served in the military and their families. This is achieved through the provision of services that may include but are not limited to: veteran intensive case management support, medical and mental health resource referral and advocacy, veteran benefits resource referral and advocacy, legal issues resource referral and advocacy, limited temporary financial assistance, housing search assistance, and financial sustainability planning and referrals. Referrals are made by internal and external case managers, other public nonprofit and governmental agencies as well as community based organizations. All applicants will be screened for eligibility criteria and willingness to participate in program functions.
Available Services:
Case Management/Advocacy Service
Housing Search Support
Temporary Financial Assistance (Rent/Deposit)
Income Support Services (job search)
Assistance Obtaining Benefits/Services (as eligible)
Referrals to Appropriate Services
(Legal, Food Pantries/Banks, GR/GROW, Social Security, Veteran Benefits, WIC etc.)
Financial Planning/Budget
Los Angeles County Location:
Wilmington Community Center
1044 S. Figueroa St.
Wilmington, CA. 90744
Office: 424-772-5668
Fax: 424-772-5686
Referral Line: 866-249-2557
Orange County Location:
Garden Grove Office
12391 Lewis St., Ste. 103
Garden Grove, CA. 92840
Office: 714-620-7303
Referral Line: 866-249-3350
We collect personal information directly from you for reasons that are discussed in our privacy statement. We may be required to collect some personal information by law or by organizations that provide funds to operate this program. Other personal information that we collect is important to run our programs, to improve services for homeless persons, and to better understand the needs of homeless persons. We only collect information that we consider to be appropriate. Please see current OC-HMIS Privacy Statement.